
Thursday, January 19, 2006

my gosh!!! nostalgia....awww gawd....i would never had remembered that i had a blogger account if it wasnt for what happened today. geesh!!! im stuck here in front of the computer for almost 8 long hours. doing nothing, zapping my brain with whatever radiation that the montior emits, breathing the stale, filtered air that endlessly cycles througout an 8th floor building. ahhh...the artificiality of a corporate life that one needs to succumb into just to live this predetermined life. predetermined yup...that's the word. every step you make is guided by the convention of your society that you are helpessly thrust into the world. grrrr....these are the time that i wish i was born into a RICH family. so that i dont need to work and just focus on my passion and my art and never worry where to get the food to eat when im hungry.ahhh...the reality of life the passion of survival; HUNGER. you think so? i do. air is free. we dont pay when we breathe the air. water is free, especially here in the call center industry, especially juice, ice tea and the most addicting liquid that is essential for your body...NO, not BEER...Yup; COFFEE. but food in the pantry? No way, pay for it dude. Even farmers have to work for their food. Animals need to kill for their food. Now thats nature. here i go again rambling about things that just come out of my mind. sometimes my fingers just type on their own even before i even finished the thought that just popped out of my head. i miss this though.

argghhh!!! the guilt! the guilt of an artist that threw away his art for the practicality of survival. it makes me guilty that i wasted 2 years of my life and i never did write a single new word in my book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn!!! good thing this is the start of the new year. so its going to be my resolution to write again on my book. hmmm maybe im going to be lenient on myself. okey. here it goes. who ever reads this, you are my witness for my new year resolution. im going to write ten pages on my book per month, starting on february 1, 2006. so there. hope whoever reads this checks on me every month. so guys do mail me or whatever. remind me to write and help the Filipino people find their path towards a GLORIOUS DESTINY! hehehe.

so i end this blog on a patriotic note.


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